

Python Sinkhorn Knopp アルゴリズムを実装した.

非負行列の行和,列和を揃える操作を行うSinkhorn Knoppアルゴリズムpythonで実装しました.Julia版はこっち. 入力行列Aのi行目の行和がr[i], j列目の列和がc[j]になるようにするアルゴリズムが以下です.

Sinkhorn Knoppアルゴリズムは,エントロピー拘束付き最適化と関りがあります. 最適輸送の文脈での最重要アルゴリズムの1つです.

import numpy as np

def main(A, r, c, eps = 1.0E-7):
    Input  : Matrix A, vectors r and c
             A can be a rectangular matrix
    Output : P = diag(u) A diag(v)
    Sum_i p_1i = c_i / sum(c) 
    Sum_j p_j1 = r_j / sum(r) 
    <=> sum(P.T) = c
        sum(P) = r 

    assert A.ndim == 2, "A is not matrix"
    assert r.ndim == 1 and c.ndim == 1, "r and c should be vectors."
    assert A.shape[0] == c.shape[0], "dim of A does not correspond to r ones."
    assert A.shape[1] == r.shape[0], "dim of A does not correspond to c ones." 

    # vector r and c should be normalized.
    r = r / np.sum(r)
    c = c / np.sum(c)
    # Initial Step
    v = np.copy(r) # same as v = r / ( A.T @ c)   
    u = np.copy(c) # same as u = c / ( A @ v)

    cnt = 0
    while True:
        # Sinkhorn-knopp Step
        v_new = r / ( A.T @ u)   
        u_new = c / ( A @ v_new)

        if quick_convergence_check(v, v_new, u, u_new, eps) == True:

        if cnt > 25000:
            print("calculation did not converg")
        v = v_new
        u = u_new
        cnt += 1

    P = np.diag(u) @ A @ np.diag(v)
    return P

def quick_convergence_check(v, v_new, u, u_new, eps):
    if np.linalg.norm(abs(v - v_new)) < eps:
        if np.linalg.norm(abs(u - u_new)) < eps:
            return True 
    return False 

if __name__ == "__main__":
    A = np.array([[1,5,3,6],[9,5,5,6],[1,7,10,9],[2,3,1,4]], dtype = "float64")
    c = np.array([7,7,4,2], dtype="float64")
    r = np.array([1,2,3,4], dtype="float64")

    P = main(A, r, c)

