Julia言語 多値のカーネル回帰
using LinearAlgebra function kernel_function(kernel) if kernel == "rbf" return (x,y,c,deg) -> exp( -c*norm(x.-y)^2 ) elseif kernel == "lapras" return (x,y,c,deg) -> exp(-c*sum( abs.(x .- y))) elseif kernel == "poly" return (x,y,c,deg) -> (c+x'*y)^deg elseif kernel == "linear" return (x,y,c,deg) -> (0+x'*y)^1 elseif kernel == "periodic" return (x,y,c,deg) -> exp(deg* cos(c * norm(x .- y))) else error("Kernel $kernel is not defined") end end function Kernel(X::Matrix, Y::Matrix; c=1.0, deg=3.0, kernel="rbf") kf = kernel_function(kernel) d, n = size(X) d, m = size(Y) K = Matrix{Float64}(undef, m, n) for j = 1:n for i = 1:m K[i,j] = kf(Y[:,i],X[:,j],c,deg) end end return K end function Kernel(X::Matrix; c=1.0, deg=3.0, kernel="rbf") kf = kernel_function(kernel) d, n = size(X) K = Matrix{Float64}(undef, n, n) for j = 1:n for i = 1:j K[i,j] = kf(X[:,i],X[:,j],c,deg) end end return Symmetric(K) end function vecKernel(X::Matrix, dim_output::Int; c=1, deg=3.0, omega=0.5, kernel="rbf", block_kernel="ones") kf = kernel_function(kernel) _, n = size(X) K = Matrix{Float64}(undef, n*dim_output, n*dim_output) for j = 1:n for i = 1:j K[(i-1)*dim_output+1:i*dim_output,(j-1)*dim_output+1:j*dim_output] = ( kf(X[:,i], X[:,j],c,deg) * block_kernel_A(X[:,i], X[:,j], dim_output, block_kernel, c, omega) ) end end return Symmetric(K) end function vecKernel(X::Matrix, Y::Matrix; c=1, deg=3.0, omega=0.5, kernel="rbf", block_kernel="ones") kf = kernel_function(kernel) dim_input, n = size(X) dim_output, m = size(Y) K = Matrix{Float64}(undef, m*dim_output, n*dim_output) for j = 1:n for i = 1:m K[(i-1)*dim_output+1:i*dim_output,(j-1)*dim_output+1:j*dim_output] = ( kf(Y[:,i], X[:,j],c,deg) * block_kernel_A(Y[:,i], X[:,j], dim_output, block_kernel, c, omega) ) end end return K end """ The matrix `A` represent the relation between output elements. If `A` is `I`, the outputs are independent. """ function block_kernel_A(xi::Vector, xj::Vector, dim_output::Int, block_kernel, c, omega) if block_kernel == "id" A = Matrix{Float64}(I,dim_output,dim_output) elseif block_kernel == "ones" A = ones(Float64, dim_output, dim_output) elseif block_kernel == "ones_id" A = ( omega*ones(Float64, dim_output, dim_output) .+ (1-omega*dim_output)*Matrix{Float64}(I, dim_output, dim_output)) elseif block_kernel == "df" @assert dim_output == size(xi)[1] "df is available only when dim of input and output are same" A = block_kernel_df(xi,xj,c=c) elseif block_kernel == "cf" @assert dim_output == size(xi)[1] "cf is available only when dim of input and output are same" A = block_kernel_cf(xi,xj,c=c) else error("block kernel $block_kernel is not defined") end return A end """ Divergence-free kernel. The dim of output variable and input variable have to be same. The variance 1/σ^2 = c """ function block_kernel_df(xi::Vector, xj::Vector; c=1) m = size(xi)[1] dx = xi .- xj normdx_2 = norm(dx)^2 A = 2*c*(2*c*(dx*dx')+(m-1-2*c*normdx_2)*I) return A end """ Curl-free kernel. The dim of output variable and input variable have to be same. The variance 1/σ^2 = c """ function block_kernel_cf(xi::Vector, xj::Vector; c=1) m = size(xi)[1] dx = xi .- xj A = 2*c*( Matrix{Float64}(I,m,m) - 2 * c * (dx * dx')) return A end """ Vector-valud function learning with kernel method. See the following references, [Mauricio Alvarez et al.](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8187598) [Luca Baldassare et al.](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10994-012-5282-y) Learn the projection f(x) : x -> y, where both of x and y are vectorvalued. Let us assume x is in R^k, y is in R^d. n is the number of the training data. k is the number of the test data. # Arguments - 'X_train' : k \times n matrix, training data of input - 'Y_train' : d \times n matrix, training data of output - 'X_test' : d \times m matrix, test data of input. - 'kernel' : 'rbf','lapras','poly','linear','periodic' - 'block_kernel' : 'id', 'ones', 'df', 'cf'. if you chouse 'id', the elements of output are independent each other. - 'lambda' : the value of regularization paramter """ function multiKreg(X_train, Y_train, X_test; kernel="rbf", block_kernel="df", lambda=1.0, c=1.0, deg=3.0, omega=0.5) # dim of output variable d = size(X_train)[1] # number of test data n = size(X_test)[2] K_train_train = vecKernel(X_train, d, c=c, deg=deg, omega=omega, kernel=kernel, block_kernel=block_kernel) K_train_test = vecKernel(X_train, X_test, c=c, deg=deg, omega=omega, kernel=kernel, block_kernel=block_kernel) # in the original paper, they define # c_vec = (K_train_train + lambda*n*I) \ Y_train[:] c_vec = (K_train_train + lambda*I) \ Y_train[:] Y_pred = K_train_test * c_vec Y_pred = reshape(Y_pred, (:,n)) return Y_pred end
using LinearAlgebra function Kreg(X_train, Y_train, X_test;lambda=1, c=1, deg=3.0, kernel="rbf") K_train_train = Kernel(X_train, c=c, deg=deg, kernel=kernel) k_train_test = Kernel(X_train, X_test, c=c, deg=deg, kernel=kernel) # number of test data M = size(X_test)[2] # number of target variables N = size(Y_train)[1] Y_pred = zeros(N,M) for n = 1:N alpha = (K_train_train + lambda * I) \ Y_train[n,:] Y_pred[n,:] .= k_train_test * alpha end return Y_pred end
適当なベクトル場を作って,学習してみる.学習に使った要素は1000個.テストには500個つかった. evalはコスト関数.カーネルの種類をかえてテストしてみる.
using Distributions function eval(y_test, y_pred) L = length(y_test) cost = norm(y_test[:] .- y_pred[:])^2 / L return cost end function make_vector_field(L) f(x,y) = [x+y, x*cos(y)] dist = Uniform(-2, 2) x = rand(dist,(2, L)) y = Matrix{Float64}(undef, 2, L) for i = 1:L y[:,i] = f(x[:,i]...) end return x, y end x_train, y_train = make_vector_field(1000) x_test, y_test = make_vector_field(500) y_pred = multiKreg(x_train, y_train, x_test, kernel="rbf", block_kernel="ones_id" ,lambda=1, c=1, omega=0.5) @show eval(y_pred, y_test) #eval(y_pred, y_test) = 0.5828929693931735 y_pred = multiKreg(x_train, y_train, x_test, kernel="rbf", block_kernel="df" ,lambda=1, c=1, omega=0) @show eval(y_pred, y_test) #eval(y_pred, y_test) = 0.31864270183369753 y_pred = multiKreg(x_train, y_train, x_test, kernel="rbf", block_kernel="cf" ,lambda=1, c=1, omega=0) @show eval(y_pred, y_test) #eval(y_pred, y_test) = 0.052348540778465624
y_pred = multiKreg(x_train, y_train, x_test, kernel="rbf", block_kernel="one_id" ,lambda=1, c=1, omega=0) @show eval(y_pred, y_test) #eval(y_pred, y_test) = 0.003875811228195186 y_pred = multiKreg(x_train, y_train, x_test, kernel="rbf", block_kernel="id" ,lambda=1, c=1, omega=0) @show eval(y_pred, y_test) #eval(y_pred, y_test) = 0.003875811228195186 y_pred = Kreg(x_train, y_train, x_test, lambda=1, c=1, kernel="rbf") @show eval(y_pred, y_test) #eval(y_pred, y_test) = 0.003875811228195175
using Plots using GRUtils y_pred = multiKreg(x_train, y_train, x_test, kernel="rbf", block_kernel="cf" ,lambda=1, c=1, omega=0.0) @show eval(y_pred, y_test) GRUtils.quiver(x_test[1,:], x_test[2,:], y_pred[1,:], y_pred[2,:], arrowscale=1) GRUtils.savefig("predict.png") GRUtils.quiver(x_test[1,:], x_test[2,:], y_test[1,:], y_test[2,:], arrowscale=1) GRUtils.savefig("test.png")