自然数の約数を求めるアルゴリズムと,誤差を指定してtruncated SVD が必要だったので,こちらを先に用意しておきます.約数を全部求めるアルゴリズムはお気楽 Julia プログラミング超入門から拝借しました.ありがとうございます。
""" Provided by """ function divisor(n) # pq の約数を求める divisor_sub(p, q) = [p ^ i for i = 0 : q] xs = factorization(n) ys = divisor_sub(xs[1]...) for p = xs[2 : end] ys = [x * y for x = divisor_sub(p...) for y = ys] end sort(ys) end function factorSub(n, m) c = zero(n) while n % m == 0 c += 1 n = div(n, m) end c, n end function factorization(n) x::typeof(n) = 2 xs = Pair{typeof(n), typeof(n)}[] c, m = factorSub(n, x) if c > 0 push!(xs, x => c) end x = 3 while x * x <= m c, m = factorSub(m, x) if c > 0 push!(xs, x => c) end x += 2 end if m > 1 push!(xs, m => one(n)) end xs end
truncated SVD については,いままでいろいろ実装してきましたが,全てランクを先に決め打ちするものでした.今回はランクを決め打ちするものと,許容誤差をあたえておく低ランク近似の両方の関数を用意しておきます.
function lowrank_app_th(M,δ) m = rank(M) U,Σ,V = svd(M) sorted_Σ = sort(Σ) err = cumsum(sorted_Σ[begin:end-1].^2) reverse!(err) r = m for l = 1:m-1 if err[l] < δ r = l break end end Ur = U[:,1:r] Σr = Σ[1:r] Vr = V[:,1:r] # reconstraction is Ur*diagm(Σr)*Vr' return Ur,diagm(Σr),Vr,r end function lowrank_app(M,r::Int) U,Σ,V = svd(M) Ur = U[:,1:r] Σr = Σ[1:r] Vr = V[:,1:r] # reconstraction is Ur*diagm(Σr)*Vr' return Ur,diagm(Σr),Vr end
using LinearAlgebra using Glob using Plots using Images using Statistics """ Tensor Ring Decomposition based on SVD proposed by [Q Zhao (2016)]( [Matlab code]( is also available, # Aruguments - 'T' : input tensor - 'r' : target rank, which should be vector example: T = randn(20,20,30) r = (5,3,10) ring_cores = TR(T,r) size.(ring_cores) # 3-element Vector{Tuple{Int64, Int64, Int64}}: # (5, 20, 3) # (3, 20, 10) # (10, 30, 5) # We can obtain low-ring rank tensor by 'reconst' Tr = reconst(ring_cores) """ function TR(T,r::Vector) n = size(T) d = length(r) @assert r[1]*r[2] <= n[1] "r1*r2 should be smaller than n[1]" @assert d == ndims(T) "the length of ranks should be same as the dims of tensor" r0 = r[1]*r[2] T1 = reshape(T,(n[1],prod(n[2:end]))) U,Σ,V = lowrank_app(T1,r0) G = [] G1 = permutedims(reshape(U,(n[1],r[1],r[2])),[2,1,3]) C = permutedims(reshape(Σ*V',(r[1],r[2],prod(n[2:d]))),[2,3,1]) push!(G,G1) for k=2:d-1 C = reshape(C,(r[k]*n[k],prod(n[k+1:end])*r[1])) U,Σ,V = lowrank_app(C,r[k+1]) Gk = reshape(U,(r[k],n[k],r[k+1])) push!(G,Gk) C = reshape(Σ*V',(r[k+1],:,r[1])) end Gd = reshape(C,(r[d],n[d],r[1])) push!(G,Gd) return G end """ Tensor ring decomposition with prescribed error value ε. The reconstraction error becomes smaller than ε. See more details in the [paper]( # Aruguments - 'T' : input tensor - 'ε' : prescribed error, which should be float64 example: Tr = reconst(ring_cores) T = rand(10,20,7) ε = 0.3 G,r = TR(T,ε); Tre = reconst(G) @show norm(T - Tre)/norm(T) < ε # true Gnew = TR(T,r); for l = 1:length(r) @show Gnew[l] ≈ G[l] # true end """ function TR(T,ε::Float64) n = size(T) d = ndims(T) r = zeros(Int,d) G = [] δ1 = sqrt(2/d)*ε*norm(T) δ = δ1/sqrt(2) T1 = reshape(T,(n[1],prod(n[2:end]))) U,Σ,V, r0 = lowrank_app_th(T1,δ1) factors = divisor(r0) r[1] = factors[floor(Int,length(factors)/2)] r[2] = Int( r0 / r[1] ) G1 = permutedims(reshape(U,(n[1],r[1],r[2])),[2,1,3]) C = permutedims(reshape(Σ*V',(r[1],r[2],prod(n[2:d]))),[2,3,1]) push!(G,G1) for k=2:d-1 C = reshape(C,(r[k]*n[k],prod(n[k+1:end])*r[1])) U,Σ,V, rnew = lowrank_app_th(C,δ) r[k+1] = rnew Gk = reshape(U,(r[k],n[k],r[k+1])) push!(G,Gk) C = reshape(Σ*V',(r[k+1],:,r[1])) end Gd = reshape(C,(:,n[d],r[1])) r[d] = size(Gd)[1] push!(G,Gd) return G, r end """ Reconstract the original tensor from ring cores. # Arguments - 'G' : cores tensors """ function reconst(G) d = length(G) I = zeros(Int,d) for n = 1:d _, In, _ = size(G[n]) I[n] = In end reconst_T = zeros(I...) for idx in CartesianIndices((tuple(I...))) reconst_T[idx] = tr(prod([G[n][:,idx[n],:] for n=1:d])) end return reconst_T end
T = rand(25,25,25) for r in [1,2,3,4,5] G = TR(T,[r,r,r]) Tre = reconst(G) @show norm(T-Tre) end # norm(T - Tre) = 36.07195656407602 # norm(T - Tre) = 35.709229547710216 # norm(T - Tre) = 35.17180322846426 # norm(T - Tre) = 34.43064761988541 # norm(T - Tre) = 33.56737731452813
for ε in [10.3, 9.4, 3.3, 1.2, 0.8, 0.01, 0.001] G, r = TR(T,ε); Tre = reconst(G); err = norm(T - Tre)/norm(Tre); @show err < ε end
names = glob("data/*") L = length(names) #410 H = 32 W = 27 T = zeros(H,W,L) l = 1 for name in names img = load(name) img = Gray.(img) img = imresize(img, (H, W)) img_mtx = convert(Array{Float64}, img) T[:,:,l] = img_mtx l += 1 end plot(Gray.(T[:,:,1]))
G, r =TR(T,0.2); T_reconst = reconst(G); plot(Gray.(T_reconst[:,:,1])) @show r #(4,7,162)
G=TR(T,[4,7,50]); T_reconst = reconst(G); plot(Gray.(T_reconst[:,:,1])) G=TR(T,[4,7,50]); T_reconst = reconst(G); plot(Gray.(T_reconst[:,:,1]))
# 3次元配列を行列の配列に変換する "Just specify that [an element of] the argument is an array of matrices" struct MatrixArray end """ R = matrixarray(S::AbstractArray{T,3}) `R[k][i, j] = S[i, k, j]` """ matrixarray(S) = [SMatrix{size(S[:, i, :])...}(S[:, i, :]) for i in axes(S, 2)] #matrixarray(S) = [S[:, i, :] for i in axes(S, 2)] # without StaticArrays # 行列積の最終段を省き、トレースを直接求める reconst(G) = reconst(MatrixArray(), matrixarray.(G)) reconst(::MatrixArray, G) = _reconst(G...) # Gs を真ん中で分けないと遅くなる function _reconst(Gs...) h = length(Gs) ÷ 2 _reconst(reduce(eachprod, Gs[begin:h]), reduce(eachprod, Gs[h+1:end])) end #_reconst(G1, G2, Gs...) = _reconst(eachprod(G1, G2), Gs...) # 遅い _reconst(G1, G2) = trprod.(G1, expanddim(G2, G1)) """ trprod(A, B) Returns `tr(A * B)` """ trprod(A, B) = dot(vec(A'), vec(B)) """ C = eachprod(A, B) `C[i, j, k] = A[i, j] * B[k]` `A, B, C :: Array{Matrix}` """ eachprod(A, B) = A .* expanddim(B, A) """ Bx = expanddim(B, A) `Bx = reshape(B, (1, 1, 1, m, n))` where `ndims(A) == 3`, `size(B) == (m, n)` """ expanddim(B, A) = reshape(B, (ntuple(_ -> 1, ndims(A))..., size(B)...))